Sharing Defaults for Populations

Learn about setting sharing defaults for your populations- your first control in sharing the right amount of data with your partners.

Lindsey O'Niell avatar
Written by Lindsey O'Niell
Updated over a week ago

In this article:

Setting the Sharing Defaults

From the left-side Navigation Menu, click on the Data icon. This will open the side panel for Data & Sharing, select Populations from the panel options, and your workspace will display the Populations area. Locate the Sharing Default area and click on the pencil icon within a Population to easily adjust your default sharing settings anytime.

You will also be prompted to set default sharing settings for each new Population you create. Adjust these settings as needed.

Sharing Default Options

There are three Sharing Default options to choose from in the pop-up modal. These settings allow you to share as much, or as little, data with your partners as you'd like and can be adjusted as needed at any time.

1. Hidden

Hidden is the sharing default where your partners will not be able to see the Population.

2. Counts

Your partners will see a summary count of overlaps for this Population. No specific data, including names, is shared with your partner.

When your sharing setting is set to Counts, only the numerical value will be displayed. Your partner will not be able to view any additional information without requesting data from you first.

3. Sharing Data

By default, your partner can see the data shared with them for all overlaps

  • Click the Opt-in box under Share Greenfield Accounts to share non-overlapping accounts with partners

Select from two Fields to share options:

  • Recommend fields

  • Customize Fields

To customize beyond the recommended fields, check the boxes next to which fields you would like to share within this Population.

Click Save when done setting the Sharing Defaults.

πŸŽ“ Sign in to Crossbeam Academy to further explore Populations!

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