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Managing your Salesforce Connection

Pause, control sync frequency, reauthorize, and select fields to sync.

Joy Rudnick avatar
Written by Joy Rudnick
Updated over a week ago

In this article:

Reauthorize your Connection

Reauthorization is required if user permissions change or users lose access to Salesforce.


A user with Crossbeam Admin privileges is required to complete the Salesforce connection and reauthorization. Additionally, they will need the correct user profile and permissions in SFDC as listed below.

✍️ Note

The SFDC user credentials provided to establish the data connection (example: does not need to be a user in Crossbeam, and does not need admin access in SFDC. The credential only needs the following the user profile and permissions in SFDC:

  • Rest API

  • API enabled

  • View Setup and Configuration

  • View all users

  • Read access to Lead and Account and Contact and and Opportunity objects

To access your Salesforce Settings menu, navigate to Data in the left navigation bar. You are brought to your Data Sources page. Hover over the three dots alongside your Salesforce connection and click on Settings.

In the settings pop up modal, click Reauthorize to authenticate the connection with a different username and password. Click Save Changes and return to the Data Sources page.

Pause your Sync

Sync Data from Salesforce is an option in the settings pop up modal. Here, you will see a green button to toggle on or off. This allows you to pause and restart the data sync as needed. When the toggle is on, your Salesforce connection status will state Active on the Data Sources page. When the toggle is grey, your Salesforce connection status will be Not Syncing.

View Connection Status

The connection status appears within the Salesforce Settings menu and also on your Data Sources page.

  • Active: the integration is active and will sync according to your sync frequency.

  • Not Syncing: the integration is paused and will not sync data until it is made active.

  • Error: the integration hit an error and is unable to sync. If available, details on the error will appear.

✍️ Note
Contact us at if you have problems with your sync.

Adjust Sync Frequency

In the Salesforce Settings pop up modal, you can adjust the frequency of the data sync by expanding the dropdown menu next to Update Frequency. Select how often you Salesforce data should sync. Click Save Changes.


If you have concerns about hitting your API quota limit in Salesforce, try reducing the frequency of syncs to reduce the number of API calls we make to Salesforce daily.

In order to keep you within your API quota limit, Crossbeam will stop syncing your Salesforce data when you reach 80% of your API quota limit. If this occurs, you will receive an email notification and an error message on your Data Sources page. If you would like to adjust this value to something higher (or lower), please reach out to us at

Edit Data Sync

Click on the Edit Data Sync in the Salesforce Settings pop up. This will open the Customize Fields pop up modal.

  1. On the Customize Fields pop up, expand any of the tables under All Data by clicking the drop down arrow next to the table name or use the search bar to find fields. Under Data Presets you can also explore suggested fields base on your business focus.

  2. Select or deselect any of the fields to customize your data.

  3. Click Review fields and select Sync Now to complete the the data connection.

  4. Or click Customize to edit your changes before completing the sync.

  5. Click Save Changes before closing the Salesforce Settings pop up.

Gif in Crossbeam of how to edit data

Back on the Data Sources page, the Salesforce row will display Setting Up while the sync is in process for a few minutes. Once the sync is complete you will see Salesforce listed as Active.

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