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HubSpot Custom Object Integration
HubSpot Custom Object Integration
Joy Rudnick avatar
Written by Joy Rudnick
Updated over 2 months ago

In this article:


Already have a HubSpot Legacy integration installed? Follow the uninstallation steps below.

If you are installing the HubSpot Outbound Integration for the first time, click here to start the installation process.

Uninstall the Current HubSpot Legacy Integration

From the Integration workspace, locate HubSpot Custom Object (legacy) from the Installed Integrations list.

On the right end of the row, click on the three dots. Next, you will see Remove Integration. Click on it.

hubspot legacy removal highlighted

In HubSpot, you will need to clear out all the existing records pushed from Crossbeam. The new integration will push new copies of these records once it is running.


Any workflows or reports you have built with these objects will continue to work once we start pushing the new records. Click here for instructions for deleting records in HubSpot. Delete all records for the Custom Object called Crossbeam Overlaps. Users must have Bulk Delete permission to complete this process.

How to Install the HubSpot Custom Object

✍️ Note

HubSpot Custom Object is only available on the Supernode plan.

To upgrade your account, visit the Plan & Billing page.

  • You must have a Full Access Seat (Partner Manager role or Admin role)in Crossbeam Core with Integration permissions to install.

  • A HubSpot Sales Hub - Enterprise license is required to create the HubSpot custom object.

  • You must have a HubSpot Marketing Hub - Professional license to send Crossbeam data to contact lists.


The initial Record Export when setting up an integration will also count towards the Record Export limit for your account.

Crossbeam Record Exports can be monitored here. Once you hit the Export Limit, Crossbeam insights will stop flowing into external tools.

Learn more about maximizing your record exports here.

Crossbeam Authentication Steps

From the Integration workspace, locate HubSpot Custom Object from the Available Integrations section, and click the Install button.

screenshot in Crossbeam showing where to find the HubSpot Custom Object

Next, you will complete Crossbeam Authentication in the pop-up modal.

gif of crossbeam auth steps

Once you have completed The Crossbeam Authentication, you will be prompted to complete the HubSpot Authentication.

Click the Next button when this step is complete.

HubSpot Authentication Steps


To complete the following authentication steps, you must add the required list of scopes for the Private App Access Token in HubSpot before successfully completing the setup process.

Failure to include the following required scopes will result in an error message, and the integration will not be completed.

Click here to learn how to create a HubSpot Private App Access Token.

The required scopes for this token are: 



On the HubSpot Authentication screen, click next to the New Authentication, and input the Access Token.

​Click the Next button when this step is complete.

In the next screen, configure the Crossbeam reports to be exported as Lists into HubSpot by clicking on the dropdown options under Report, and then click Add to Configuration.

Click the Next button when this step is complete.

The next screen will state the Installation is complete and prompt you to click Finish.


The HubSpot Custom Object is not complete until you configure the Population data in Crossbeam.

Configure Population Data in Crossbeam

After clicking Finish in the HubSpot Authentication process, you will return to the Crossbeam Integration workspace to customize the data from Crossbeam that is pushed into HubSpot.

screenshot of Population

From the side panel, locate the Customize Data in Push section. To complete the HubSpot Custom Object Integration:

  • Click the arrow next to My Data to expand your available Populations

    • Select or deselect the Populations to be pushed into HubSpot

  • Click the arrow next to Partner Data to expand and see the available Populations and a list of your Specific Partners

    • Select or deselect the Populations under Partner Data to be applied to all the Specific Partners collectively or individually per Specific Partner, depending on your needs

Click Save Changes when done.

To adjust these settings or to reauthorize the connection, return to the Integrations workspace, locate HubSpot from the Installed Integrations list, and click Settings.

HubSpot Contact Lists

Selected reports from the Install process will automatically sync relevant overlaps to corresponding lists in HubSpot. These lists will maintain the same naming convention as your Crossbeam reports, with 'Crossbeam' added for easy recognition.

All overlaps in associated contact lists update in real-time, ensuring accuracy by removing stale overlaps and revealing new records. Your marketing team can now utilize these lists for precise co-marketing campaigns.


Does Crossbeam impact my HubSpot Private App API limits?

This integration will use some of your Private App API limits, but employs batch calls and resumes where it last left off to reduce usage. For questions about the integration's API usage, please reach out to the support team.

What happens to my legacy HubSpot integration once I delete it?

You will not be able to reinstall this deprecated integration, as it is no longer available.

What are the custom object fields and what do they mean?

Field Label

Brief Description

Account ID

Identifies the HubSpot account record associated with the overlap.

Crossbeam EID

For Crossbeam housekeeping purposes: this identifier is used as part of our process to push records into your HubSpot environment.

Lead ID

Identifies the HubSpot contact record associated with the overlap.


For HubSpot housekeeping purposes: name of the overlapping record. Can be clicked by a user (e.g. in a view of the custom object or in a card) to be taken to the full details of the Crossbeam Overlap record.

Overlap Unique Id

For Crossbeam housekeeping purposes: this identifier is used as part of our process to push records into your HubSpot environment.

Partner Name

The name of the Partner (as it appears in Crossbeam) that the account or contact matched with.

Partner Population

The name of the Partner's Population that the account or contact matched with.

Partner AE Email

Data being shared with you by your partner: the email address of the Account Owner for the account or contact.

Partner AE Name

​Data being shared with you by your partner: the name of the Account Owner for the account or contact.

Partner AE Phone

​Data being shared with you by your partner: the phone number of the Account Owner for the account or contact.


The name of Your Population (as it appears in Crossbeam) that the account or contact matched with.

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