Populations play a crucial role in Crossbeam, as they serve as a common language, enabling you and your partners to merge and compare data effectively.
Populations are segments of data from your data source. These Populations align with key stages in your funnel, such as Prospects, Open Opportunities, and Customers.
Populations serve two important purposes in Crossbeam:
Standardization: Data sources vary. Comparing raw data from Salesforce, HubSpot, and CSV upload for overlaps is impractical. Organizing data into Populations by all partners streamlines this process.
Crossbeam's matching algorithm can compare and merge data sets on an apples-to-apples basis, significantly enhancing speed and precision by using Populations.
Data cleansing: Everyone's data is dirty, and Populations are a way of cleaning up this complexity. Rather than share your entire list of accounts or every lead generated, Populations enable you to distill your data into meaningful segments that truly reflect your business.
Populations aren't intended for detailed data analysis. Best practice is for companies to establish a few large, broadly defined Populations as their foundation. Next, they refine the results of these comparisons using reports to analyze overlaps in detail.
Ready to build Populations?