Connect Snowflake Data

Integrate Snowflake and use Snowflake Data Sharing to get your data into Crossbeam.

Lindsey O'Niell avatar
Written by Lindsey O'Niell
Updated over a week ago

Have your CRM data in Snowflake? Skip integrating your CRM and use Snowflake Data Sharing to share data with Crossbeam's Snowflake account, allowing you to get your CRM data into Crossbeam, all via Snowflake.

Looking for our article about pushing data back into Snowflake from Crossbeam? You can find it here.

Connect Crossbeam to Snowflake

From the left-side Navigation Menu, click on the Data icon. This will open the side panel for Data & Sharing, select Data Sources from the panel options, and your workspace will display the Data Sources area. Under Add a Data Source, click the Snowflake tile.

Please note: The screen shots below are from Snowflake Classic UI, if you are using Snowsight UI, you can access the Classic UI by navigating to your name+role at the top left of the screen, clicking Profile, and change Default Experience to “Classic Console” from Snowsight.

To get started, you'll need three pieces of information:

1. Your Snowflake account region. Currently we only support four regions:

  • US West (Oregon): this region is the only one not included in snowflake URLs

  • US East (Ohio)

  • US East (N. Virginia)

  • EU West (Ireland)

✍️ Note

Please contact Crossbeam if your account is in a different region and we can work to add support for you.

2. Your Snowflake account locator. Account locator information can be found in the Account Information section of your Snowflake instance:

gif showing were to find your snowflake account locator

3. Your Snowflake data share name. We'll provide you with a data share name to use in Snowflake. It will be in the format of crossbeam_share_{123} where 123 will be a unique number to your organization. You will enter this in the Shares tab in Snowflake.

Managing your Snowflake Integration in Crossbeam

Once your Snowflake connection is set up, you can manage it by clicking on Settings on the Data Sources page in Crossbeam. Here you can:

1. Pause the sync into Crossbeam

2. Select which fields to sync into Crossbeam from Snowflake

3. Remove the Snowflake connection

Note: update frequency is not configurable for Snowflake. Contact is if you'd like to change the frequency of updates.

Screenshot of snowflake settings in Crossbeam

Configuring your Snowflake Data Share

In Snowflake, your shared database must contain a set of required tables and fields under a _CROSSBEAM schema We expect the following tables and fields to be shared with a share called CROSSBEAM_SHARE_{ID} (this ID is provided in the Crossbeam UI on the data source page when connecting Snowflake as a data source - see above).

Access the Shares tab in Snowflake Classic UI by navigating to https://<organization>-<name>

To create a share in the Snowsight UI, use the Private Sharing tab, click the Share button in the top right. Create a Direct Share.

a) Secure Share Identifier should be the name Crossbeam provides on the data sources page when you click the Snowflake tile.

b) Add accounts in your region by name should be the Account Locator we provide in the help doc


Capitalization counts here- be sure that _CROSSBEAM is in all caps!

Next, you'll need to add Crossbeam as a Consumer using the Account Locator associated with your region.

Account Locators:

  • US East 1: ZAA86167

  • US East 2: KP43495

  • US West 2: CROSSBEAM

  • EU West 1: LV64179

✍️ you don't need all of the following tables for the integration to work.


To support Account Owners in Crossbeam, you must include the user table specified below.

Required Fields for Sync

Account Fields:

Account Created At (optional)

Account Website (required)

Account Name (required)

id (required)

Account Type (optional)

owner_id (required)

Contacts Fields:

Contact Created At (optional)

Contact Phone (optional)

account_id (required)

Contact Email (required)

Contact Title (optional)

id (required)

Contact Name (optional)

Deals Fields:

Amount (optional)

account_id (required)

Open Date (optional)

id (required)

Sales State (optional)

Leads Fields:

Leads Created At (optional)

Lead Phone (optional)

id (required)

Lead Email (required)

Lead Title (optional)

owner_id (required)

Lead Name (optional)

Users Fields:

Account Owner Email (required)

Account Owner Name (optional)

id (required)

You can also include additional fields if there is any other data that you would like to be able to filter on or share with partners in Crossbeam.

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