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Learn more about using and implementing the Matillion Connector

Written by Alex Poulos
Updated over a week ago

About this integration:

The Matillion (Extract, Transform, Load) ETL connector helps data teams get things done faster in the cloud. With Matillion, you can unlock the value of your data cloud today with low-code data ingestion, transformation, and data platform control. Matillion can be a good option for companies that want to innovate with Crossbeam data inside cloud data platforms on every major cloud platform and cloud region.

What can you do with this integration?

  1. Enrich your enterprise analytics by including partner insights

  2. Extract, load, and transform your data without sacrificing sophistication or speed.

  3. Easily meet data security and sovereignty requirements in any region of the world.

  4. Remove connector anxiety with Matillions’s create your own connector feature

  5. Free data replication into your cloud data warehouse with no cost

How can you get support?

This integration was built and is supported by Matillion. Send all of your bug requests or enhancements through to Matillion via their support center found here. Our customer success team can help get you started within your Crossbeam settings or from directly within the integration marketplace.

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