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Offline Partners

Learn about Account Mapping with partners who are not on the Crossbeam Network.

Joy Rudnick avatar
Written by Joy Rudnick
Updated over 5 months ago

In this article:

✍️ Note

The Explorer plan is limited to one Offline Partner with Standard Populations.

The Connector and Supernode plans have unlimited Offline Partners with Standard Populations.

Custom Populations are unavailable to Offline Partners.

To upgrade your account, visit the Plan & Billing page.


The initial Record Export when setting up an integration will also count towards the Record Export limit for your account.

Crossbeam Record Exports can be monitored here. Once you hit the Export Limit, Crossbeam insights will stop flowing into external tools.

Learn more about maximizing your record exports here.

Continue reading below or watch this quick video to explore Offline Partners:

What are Offline Partners?

Offline Partners do not have a Crossbeam account, but have data you can use for account mapping purposes.

How to Add an Offline Partner


To add an Offline Partner, the user role must be:

  • Admin Role


  • Partner Manager Role with:

    • Manage Data Source Permissions

    • Manage Partnerships Permissions

Click here to learn more about User Roles and Permissions.

From the left-side Navigation Menu, click on the Partners icon. Select Partners from the panel options, and your workspace will display the My Partners workspace.

Click the Add Partner button.

screenshot in crossbeam highlighting the partners workspace and add partner button

Next, in the pop-up modal:

  • Click the Add Offline Partner tab

  • type in the partner name in the Partner Name search bar

  • Select the partner name from the dropdown options

  • Click the Create Partner button

gif in crossbeam steps for adding an offline partner

The new Offline Partner will now be added to the partners table.

screenshot in crossbeam highlighting offline partner in partner table

Account Mapping with Offline Partners

✍️ Note

Account Mapping with Offline Partners only allows CSV files for you to upload on behalf of the Offline Partner.

Upload a CSV File for the Offline Partner


To upload a CSV File, the user role must be:

  • Admin Role


  • Partner Manager Role with Data Source Permissions

Click here to learn more about User Roles and Permissions.

After creating an Offline Partner, you will need to add a data source.

On the My Partner workspace:

  • click the Offline Partner name from the Partners table to open the Partner Detail Page

  • On this page, select the Partner Data tab and click the Upload a CSV button.

gif in crossbeam showing steps to upload a csv file

In the pop-up modal:

  • Add File:

    • Click on Browse to select a file from your computer file directory

    • Next, input the CSV Name

      • Offline Partner data will never be shared with anyone

    • Companies for data type is pre-selected

      • your CSV file must contain a column that contains values for company names and a column that contains values for company websites

screenshot of steps to upload csv file

  • Map Columns:

    • Select the Company Name Column from the drop-down options under Company Name

    • Select the Company Website Column from the drop-down options under Website

screenshot in Crossbeam showing map columns of CSV file

Click Upload when done.

Create a Standard Population for the Offline Partner

✍️ Note

Custom Populations are unavailable to Offline Partners.

Once the CSV has been uploaded, you will now be able to create a Population from the Offline Partner Detail Page.

screenshot in crossbeam highlighting the create a population button

Click the Create a Population button, on the Partner Detail Page.

In the Population Builder:

  • Select the Population Name from the dropdown menu

  • Add Optional Population Description

  • Under Object, click the drop-down menu to select the CSV file

Click Continue.

  • Next, you will see the Population Record Preview and the option to add filters.

    • Learn more about Population filters here.

Click Save to be redirected back to the Partner Detail Page, where the offline Partner Population will now be available.

gif in crossbeam showing steps in population builder

Create a Report

After creating a Population with the Offline Partner, click on the Mapping icon from the menu. This will open the side panel for Account Mapping, select Create a Report from the panel options, and your workspace will display the Account Mapping area. Click the Create Report button or on a report tile. This will open the Create Report modal.

screenshot in Crossbeam highlighting Single Partner tile and Create report button

On the Create Report modal, complete the following:

  1. Select a Partner from the dropdown list

  2. In the Select Comparison section

    1. Click on an overlap box in the Account Mapping Matrix to compare your population data with your partner's population data

    2. Once a box in the Matrix is selected, click Create a Report

gif in crossbeam showing how to create a new report

After you create a Report, you can add filters, configure and sort columns, and export reports. Learn more on configuring reports here.

Delete an Offline Partner

To remove an Offline Partner from your Crossbeam account:

  • Type the partner name into the Universal Search Bar

  • click on the partner name from the search results to open the Partner Detail Page

  • Click the Delete Partner button to open a pop-up modal

  • Confirm the deletion by typing DELETE before being able to click Delete Partner

screenshot in crossbeam showing where to delete partner, populations and data

On the Offline Partner Detail Page, you will also have the option to delete Partner Data and Populations.

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