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Shared Lists

Standard users and sales leadership can collaborate in real-time within Crossbeam through Shared Lists.

Joy Rudnick avatar
Written by Joy Rudnick
Updated over 2 months ago

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✍️ Note

This feature is only available on the Connector or Supernode plan. To upgrade your account, visit the Plan & Billing page.

The Explorer plan is limited to Invite Only functionality. A partner on the Connector plan or Supernode plan can send an Invite to an Explore plan partner to initiate Shared List collaboration.

To upgrade your account, visit the Plan & Billing page.

Partner-to-partner collaboration is the bedrock of a scalable ecosystem. Real-time collaboration is now possible right in Crossbeam with Shared Lists. PAMs can handpick both overlapping and non-overlapping accounts from any report and share with a partner to quickly prioritize, action, and attribute your ripest opportunities.

With Shared Lists, you can:

  • Work collaboratively and securely with your partner on both overlapping and non-overlapping accounts in an easy-to-scan format

  • Unlock the insights that matter most with customizable column configuration

  • Have an organized record of your PAM-to-PAM communications that is easy to find and search through


To access this feature, you must have Data Sharing enabled. Learn more about Data Sharing with your partners here.

Create a Shared List

😎 Pro Tip

Configure Report columns to include Opportunity data, sort the Report by opportunity amount, and add the top accounts Records to your Shared List.

Adding this data makes sure you don’t miss out on the highest value opportunities.

Records with Opportunity data that are included in the Shared List (Opportunity Name, Opportunity Stage, and Opportunity Amount) are not visible to your partner.

✍️ Note

Shared List works for all Data Sources in Crossbeam. Shared Lists generated from CSV files will be limited to static functionality, other Data Sources will dynamically update.


The sharing settings for Shared Lists are independent of your default Sharing Settings. All information (except Records with Opportunity data) included in the Shared Lists, will be shared with your partner.

Shared List from a New Report or Saved Report

First, build a new Report or open a Saved Report.

The example below is a Greenfield Report (non-overlapping accounts with partners). Shared Lists offers the flexibility to add Overlapping and Non-Overlapping account Records to a single Shared List.

GIF in Crossbeam showing step to build a Greenfield report

Once you have created the Report, click the box next to the Record column header to select all Records, or click the individual boxes next to the Records.

Next, click the +Add Records to List button.

screenshot in Crossbeam highlighting the add records process

In the next modal, select any list from the dropdown options under Shared List (or create a new list, follow the steps below). Click the Add to List button when done.

GIF in Crossbeam showing steps to adding records to a shared list

To create a new Shared List:

  • Click the box next to the Records in the Report that you want to add a list

  • Click the +Add Records to List button

  • Select +Create New List from the dropdown options under Shared List

  • In the next screen, select the partner (Owner) who will have access to the list

  • Edit List Name

  • Add a List Description (optional)

  • Click the Share List button to send it to your partner

GIF in crossbeam showing steps on how to create a new shared list

In the next modal, click Add Selected Records to List to complete the process. You will see a pop-up prompt confirming the Records were added to a list.

Click the View List button in this prompt to open the list in the Collaborate workspace.

screenshot in crossbeam showing where to locate all the saved shared lists

When creating a Shared List using Greenfield Reports, the Greenfield Records on the list will be marked with a Leaf icon, which will be visible to the partner who is viewing the list. This makes it simpler to distinguish between overlapping and non-overlapping Records.

Screenshot in Crossbeam showing the leaf icon for greenfield report records

Configure Shared List

In an open Shared List, you will be able to move the columns to new positions. Simply click and hold the dots at the top right of the column, and drag the column(s) left or right.

GIF in crossbeam showing how to move columns in the shared list

To remove a row, click the box next to the name and click Delete Rows.

screenshot in Crossbeam showing how to delete records from a shared list

Columns labeled Opportunity Name, Opportunity Stage, and Opportunity Amount are only visible to you and are hidden from your partner. Hover over the icons in the three columns to see details on the opportunities associated with the account.

Screenshot in Crossbeam showing the hidden opportunity data columns

Add Custom Columns

After you create a Shared List, you can further configure the list with Custom Columns to includes notes, stages, or any additional context about the accounts.

To create Custom Columns:

  • Scroll to the right of the table to locate the + button at the end of the table

  • Click the + button to add a column name in the pop-up box

  • Click in the boxes under the New Column to add text

  • To edit or delete the column, click the horizontal lines next to the column name

gif in crossbeam showing how custom columns work

Invite Team Members to Shared List

In an open Shared List, click on the Invite Button.

screenshot of shared list invite member button

In the Invite Team Member window, type names or emails in the box to add members to the Shared List. Next, click the Send Invites button.

screenshot in Shared Llist of sending the invites

Team members will receive an email invite notification and in app notification.

From the same Invite button, you can remove team members under the list of members with access. Click Remove next to the member, and they will be notified via email and in app.

screenshot of how to remove members form Shared List

Where to find Shared Lists

From the Navigation menu, click on the Collab icon. Once in the Collaborate workspace, you can open an existing Shared List or click the Create List button to start building a new list.

Edit or Delete a Shared List

From an open Shared List, click on the pencil icon to change the List Name or List Description, and click Save Changes when done.

screenshot in crossbeam showing where to edit or delete a shared list

In this modal, you can also click Delete List to permanently remove the Shared List.

Send Accounts from a Shared List to the Account Owner in Crossbeam for Sales

Click on the Collab icon, select All Shared Lists from the side panel. From the Collaborate workspace, locate and click on the Shared List you want to send to the Account Owner in Crossbeam for Sales.

To Send account records from a Shared List:

  • Locate the account record name(s) under the Name column

  • Check the Box to the left of the account name(s) record you wish to send

  • Click the Send button, then select Send to Account Owner

  • In the pop-up modal, enter or select the account owner name from the dropdown options, then click the Send Records button

gif of how to send account records from a shared list


  • Send an individual record by clicking on the arrow next to the account name, then select Send to Account Owner

additional steps for sending account record to sales edge

Crossbeam will confirm that records have been sent with an in-app notification.

In the Shared List, the Sales column will now display the date the record was sent and the Account Owner name.

  • Hover over a cell in this column to see Account Owner Name and the date the record was sent

  • Click on the cell link, and be redirected to the account record in Crossbeam for Sales.

highlighted column reflecting who the accounts were sent to in Crossbeam for Sales

Once the account records are sent to the Sales team, click on Lists from the navigation bar in Crossbeam for Sales.

  • Locate the List with the account records sent from the Shared List.

  • Click the List to open it.

From here, click on any of the account records to access co-selling templates and initiate a conversation with your partner.

Want to learn more about Shared Lists in Crossbeam for Sales? Click here!

Shared List Notifications

Shared List notifications keep you informed of real-time activity on a Shared List.

Crossbeam Activity Workspace

Within Crossbeam, click on the Activity icon to open the Activity workspace. Here, you will see when new notes and new records are added to a Shared List or when a new Shared List is sent to you. Click on View Note or View List to see details.

screenshot in crossbeam showing notifications for shared lists

Email Notifications

Crossbeam will send an email notification when new notes and new records have been added to a Shared List, or when a new Shared List has been sent to you.

  • New Shared List Email:

screenshot of email notification new records on shared list

  • New Records added email:

  • New Note Added Email:

screenshot of email notification new note on shared list

Manage Notifications

Shared List notifications can be adjusted by clicking the Settings icon in Crossbeam. Next, click Profile & Preferences from the side panel and scroll down to the Collaboration Notification section. Check or uncheck the boxes to customize your notification preferences.

gif in crossbeam showing where to find notification settings

Click Save Changes when done.


Will this work for greenfield (non-overlapping) reports?

Yes, you can share non-overlapping lists with a partner.

Why can’t I create a Shared List?

You must have Standard user level permissions in order to create a Shared List or to be invited to join a Shared List. Learn more on managing team roles here.

What happens to Records on my list if my partner deletes their data source or stops sharing data with me?

The Records will still exist on your Shared List, but will remain static and will not be updated via a data source sync.

Can I send a Shared List to multiple partners?

No, Shared Lists only work on a 1-to-1 level, so you can only share with 1 partner. However, you can invite multiple internal collaborators to a list from your org, and your partner can do the same.

If the owner of the list removes those records, are they deleted on the partner side too?


If I'm creating the list and my data is set to overlap counts and the partners sharing data with me, do I have to enable permissions?

As long as your partner is sharing data with you, and you are at least sharing overlap counts, you will be able to add that Record to a list.

Do you have to share account owner?

No, account owner is automatically on the list.

For Explorers with “Invite-Only” access, are they getting access to the full Shared Lists feature once invited?

Yes, they have full access to the feature if they’re invited to collaborate on a Shared List.

Will you automatically see your partner’s updates in the Shared List? Or do you need to manually refresh?

It will automatically push to your Crossbeam instance, and you will receive a notification for any updates.

Will shared lists work for all data sources, including sheets and CSVs?

Yes, but CSVs will be static and not active like CRM connections.

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