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Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce
Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce

See when your accounts overlap with your partners’ sales pipelines and customer lists directly in Salesforce.

Joy Rudnick avatar
Written by Joy Rudnick
Updated over a week ago

In this article:

Get Crossbeam data where you work: directly in Salesforce. Your sales reps don't need to log in to Crossbeam to access partner data — instead, they can get the info they need on their Accounts, Leads, and Opportunities where they need it most.

Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce Overview

Click here to open the detailed Installation Guide to complete the setup process for the Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce.

When new versions of the Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce are released, you will return to the AppExchange to complete updates.

Follow the detailed steps in the Crossbeam Upgrade and Reauthorization Guide found here to complete this process.

✍️ Note

You must have a Sales seat and be on the Connector Plan or Supernode plan to have access to the Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce. Users who have not been assigned a Sales seat, will have access to the preview Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce.

The Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce is available on all three plans:

  • Explorer Plan: Install the Preview Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce to view limited details on overlapping accounts and opportunities. For full access, click Request Access, and an email will be sent to the admin.

copilot preview for explorer plan

Once you've been assigned a sales seat, an invite will be displayed in Copilot. Click Accept Invite to access Copilot in Salesforce.

  • Connector Plan: includes access to the Full Copilot and allows customization of the Copilot

  • Supernode Plan: includes access to the Full Copilot and allows customization of what data they see in the Copilot with the Crossbeam Custom Object

✍️ Note

To further explore the pricing plan options, click here.


Only overlaps from Populations using Salesforce as a data source will be viewable in the Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce.

What is the Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce

The Copilot is your companion while viewing accounts in Salesforce.

Learn more about Copilot AI Recommended Plays in this article.

See how AI Recommended Plays can enhance your sales process and help you leverage your ecosystem to close deals faster.

Account Tab

The Account tab is the default landing page for Crossbeam Copilot. It provides key partner insights for the account you’re looking at and will even surface AI recommended plays for you to leverage based on contextual insight for your deal.

  • Click on Generate AI Playbook to quickly identify the best next steps

  • Click View Play Details to see more information on the plays

Partners Tab

The Partners tab provides a high-level overview of the associated partners for the account you’re digging into. Ecosystem Intelligence signals are piped in to help sellers know which partners are the best ones to reach out to or prioritize for their deals.

  • Click the Partner tab to access a list of Partner contact information

  • Filter by clicking on the funnel icon dropdown and select: View All or Pick a Standard Population

  • Sort by clicking on the Arrows dropdown and select: Default or Sort A-Z or Z-A

  • Click Get Intel, to start the conversation

    • If the Get Intel button displays an X, that partner is not available for this feature

    • Next, select the warm introduction to start the conversation or create your own by clicking on +Add your own question

    • Click Choose Partners

      • Check the box next to the Partner you want to reach out to

      • Click Add Context

    • In this window, write additional context based on the prompt provided

      • Click Preview Your Message

    • Preview your message and click Edit to make changes or click Send

  • Click the Three Dots to view detailed partner account information in Salesforce

Contacts Tab

The contact tab surfaces contacts partners are sharing that you might not have on your end. This list of contacts provides additional context based on the shared number of partners and partner activity to make them more appealing for you to reach out to. Ecosystem Intelligence signals are also piped into these contacts to help you know who the decision-maker might be, or who just recently had activity with your key partner.

  • Enter contact name, email, or phone into the search bar

  • Filter by clicking on the Default dropdown menu, select the name order A-Z or Z-A

  • Click the LinkedIn quick link to be redirected to each contact's LinkedIn profile

Plays Tab

This tab provides relevant actions you can take depending on the partner status with the account and the additional data available. Quickly locate the Partners who have the account in their Customers Population if you see the label Customers highlighted in orange with a star. Additionally, you can see the custom Partner Tags from Crossbeam for each Partner.

  • Click the Plays tab

  • Click on Generate AI Playbook to quickly identify the best next steps

  • Click on View Play Details for next steps to run the recommended play

    • Select Play to see a list of actionable next steps

    • Select Risk & Conditions to view details about the Play, who it's best suited for, key conditions, and potential risks

Feed Tab

Click on the Feed tab in Copilot to see:

  • Overlaps for new accounts assigned to you

  • Overlaps for new opportunities assigned to you

  • Overlaps sent to you from Shared Lists

screenshot of the feed tab in Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce

Crossbeam Copilot Settings

✍️ Note

Only users with the Crossbeam Setup User permission set can access the Settings page. Crossbeam settings are applied globally for all users of the Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce.

How to Display or Hide Fields

Users with Crossbeam Setup User permission set can select which Crossbeam fields they want visible in the Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce.

To change the view details:

  • Open the Crossbeam Settings by clicking on the Gear icon in Copilot

  • In the pop-up window, click on the Partner Field Settings tab

  • Select a Partner name under the Partner list

    • Click on the name to open the menu of Salesforce Objects

    • Click on an Object to open a detailed table of fields

      • To the right of each field, you can toggle the button to Hidden or Displayed

  • Click the Close button to exit the settings page

Now you can open the View Detail next to a partner in the Copilot and see the updated edits to the fields.

Change Partner Sort Order

  • Open the Crossbeam Settings by clicking on the Gear icon in Copilot

  • In the pop-up window, click on the Sort Partners tab

    • Use the pencil to edit the display number order of Partners in Copilot

    • Click the Save icon to confirm changes or click the X to cancel

    • When done, select the Reset Sort button to confirm order change and click the Close button

Configure Trusted URLs for Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce

If the user lacks the correct permission sets, they’ll see a prompt to contact their Salesforce Admin to configure the Contacts and Plays tabs. Depending on the user’s Salesforce permission sets, one of the two screens below will appear.

Click here for the detailed steps to configure Plays and Contacts in the Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce.

Watch this video here with detailed steps on setting up the Trusted URLs for Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce.

✍️ Note

A Salesforce Admin with the Crossbeam Setup User permission set can access the Salesforce settings. A Crossbeam seat is not required for this configuration.

Configure Crossbeam Permission Sets in Salesforce

For detailed instructions on configuring Permission Sets click here, or to Update Permission Sets click here.

  • In the Salesforce window, click the gear icon and select Setup from the dropdown menu

  • On the Setup page, navigate to the left side menu and locate Administration

    • Under Administration, click on Users to see the dropdown list of options

      • On the dropdown list, again locate users and click on it to open a new panel to the right with a list of users

  • Click on the full name of the user to open a detailed list of information on the user

  • Next, click on Permission Set Assignments to open all the assignments for the user

  • You will click on Edit Assignments and will now be able to change the Permission Sets for the user

    • On the left column under Available Permission Sets, click on permission(s) you want to assign

    • Click on the Add arrow button and now the new permission(s) will be listed under the right column named Enabled Permission Sets

    • You can remove Crossbeam permission sets Under Enabled Permission Sets by selecting them and clicking on the Remove arrow button

  • Click Save to exit the Setup process

Universal Copilot Settings in Crossbeam

To customize what Partner data is available in Salesforce, you will need to configure the Copilot settings in your Crossbeam account.

✍️ Important

Configuring the Universal Copilot Settings will apply to all Crossbeam Copilots attached to your Crossbeam account. This includes Copilot for Chrome, Copilot for Salesforce, Copilot for Outreach, Copilot for HubSpot, and Copilot for Gong (also known as Gong Engage).

From the Integrations workspace in Crossbeam, locate the Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce row, and click the Settings button to open a side drawer.

In the settings drawer, customize your data push by unchecking any of your data or your partner data you do not want pushed into the Crossbeam Copilot. Additionally, you can uncheck specific partners from the data push.

Click the Save button when you are done.

✍️ Note

Configuring Universal settings does not count towards your record export limits.

Reauthorize the Copilot Connection

From the Integrations workspace in Crossbeam, locate the Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce row, click on the three dot to the right of the Setting button, and select Connection Details or click the Reauthorize button to open a side drawer.

In the drawer, click the Reauthorize button to be redirected to Salesforce to complete the process.

Follow the detailed steps in the Crossbeam for Salesforce Upgrade and Reauthorization Guide found here.

😎Pro Tip

The Crossbeam Custom Object allows you to customize what data shows up in the Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce. For a deep dive into the Custom Object v2, check out this article here.

Copilot and Safari Web Browser

When using the Safari web browser, you may encounter issues with logging into Copilot.

To fix this, complete the following steps:

  • In Safari, open the settings from the menu bar by clicking on Safari

  • In the popup, click the Privacy icon

  • Unselect the box next to Prevent Cross-Site Tracking to disable it

Return to the login process in Copilot.

🎓 Sign into Crossbeam Academy to further explore the Crossbeam Copilot for Salesforce!

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